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Barium Amide, Ba(NH2)2

If barium be heated in a current of dry ammonia at 200° C., barium amide, or baramide, Ba(NH2)2, is obtained as a greyish-white mass. It darkens and liquefies at 280° C., and becomes green at 340° C. At higher temperatures, 460° C. in dry ammonia, or 430° C. in vacuo, it decomposes with formation of the nitride which, when heated in ammonia at 400° C., is partially reconverted into the amide.

If the compound of barium bromide with ammonia, BaBr2.8NH3, is left in contact with potassium ammonium for two or three days, hydrogen is evolved and barium amide and potassium bromide are left. The latter is removed by liquid ammonia.

BaBr2 + 2NH3K = Ba(NH2)2 + 2KBr + H2.

Barium amide is also formed as a white precipitate by the action of potassamide on an excess of a barium salt in liquid' ammonia solution.

An amide of the composition Ba3(NH2)2 has been obtained by the absorption of hydrogen by barium nitride. It is less stable than the corresponding calcium and strontium compounds, and reacts readily with a further quantity of hydrogen at low temperatures to give the hydride and nitrogen, a certain amount of ammonia being also evolved.

By pouring a solution of a barium salt in liquid ammonia into excess of a solution of potassamide, a microcrystalline precipitate of potassium ammonobarate, BaNK.2NH3, or Ba(NH2)2.KNH2, is formed, similar to potassium ammonocalciate and strontianate. It is unchanged by heating to 100° C. It is insoluble in liquid ammonia, but is decomposed and dissolved in liquid ammonia solutions of ammonium nitrate. Water readily hydrolyses it into potassium and barium hydroxides and ammonia.

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