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Barium Periodides

By heating iodine with barium iodide, barium periodides similar to the calcium and strontium periodides can be obtained. Freezing-point determinations, as well as distribution experiments, indicate their presence in solution. Herz and Bulla found that for a concentration of barium iodide of 0.1054 grm.-mol. per litre, and additional iodine 0.001683 to 0.01099 grm.-mol., the dissociation constant, assuming that only the tetra-iodide is formed, is about 0.0007 at 25° C. Jakowkin considered that the compound BaI6 is probably formed, and in nitrobenzene solution indications of the existence of the compound BaI18 have been obtained. According to recent investigations, each ion of the iodide is equally active in combining with molecules of iodine, hence in dilute solutions unsaturated with iodine, Ba(I3)2 appears to be the only polyiodide present. In more concentrated solutions the penta-iodide is also present.

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